Daniel Otterbein

Who’s that guy?

Skills & Focus

During my studies in communication design, I strongly focused on graphic and 3D-design, did an internship at interdisciplinary design agency and worked as a freelancer afterwards. After graduating, I decided to start working in advertising, where I quickly discovered my preference for digital media and have been working in this field ever since. I mainly develop digital experiences and social media campaigns. I love photographing, filming and editing. I also have a deep technical understanding. In my free time, I often tinker with Raspberry Pis & Arduinos, code in Processing or p5.js and print stuff on my 3D printer.


senior art director, since 11/2019

senior art director, 2019
art director, 2017 – 2018

GGH MullenLowe
art director, 2016

Ogilvy & Mather
junior art director, 2014 – 2015


3deluxe graphics
internship design, 2011

Academy of Visual Arts Frankfurt
communication designer, 2009 – 2013

GTS Offenbach
 high-school diploma, 2006 – 2008


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